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M27 The Dumbbell Nebula in RGB, Terry Hancock

M27 The Dumbbell Nebula in RGB

M27 The Dumbbell Nebula in RGB, Terry Hancock

M27 The Dumbbell Nebula in RGB


This is 3 hours of RGB (RED,GREEN, BLUE), I also shot an hour of luminance but as I shot the RGB un binned the luminance wasn't needed nor did it help with final result.

Thanks for looking

All the Best & Clear Skies


Down Under Observatory

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Location: DownUnder Observatory, Fremont MI

Date of Shoot June 13th 2012

Exposure: RGB 60 mins each unbinned

Camera: QHY9M monochrome CCD, cooled to -30C

StarlightXpress Color Filter Wheel

Scope: Astronomy Technologies Astro-Tech 10" f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien astrograph

Astro Tech 2" Field Flattener.

Autoguided using QHY5 autoguider, StarlightXpress Ultra Slim Off Axis guider

Paramount GT-1100S German Equatorial Mount (with MKS 4000)

Image Aquisition software Maxim DL5

Stacking software CCDStack

Post Processed with Photoshop CS5

At a distance of about 1,360 light years from Earth, The Dumbell Nebula is also known as Apple Core Nebula and NGC

6853, this planetary nebula lies in the constellation Vulpecula.



M27 The Dumbbell Nebula in RGB, Terry Hancock